Setting Silage Cutting Height
So the instructions might tell you exactly how to adjust the height of cut of a machine, but not the height it should be cutting. This begs the obvious question…….What is the correct height of cut for silage?
The Effect of Silage Chop Length
The length of chop has a huge impact on the quality of the silage you make. There are many benefits from chopping the material but that forager is a costly animal that has a mighty appetite for fuel – so what are we trying to achieve?
The Power is Wilting
The more time the crop sits on the ground, the lower the sugar levels will be once it hits the clamp (due to respiration) so the length of wilt has to be a balancing act.
Silage Clamp Walls - How High?
This is a complex question to answer, it depends on lots of factors, not least how much space you have. That might sound like a blindingly obvious statement and no space is actually “free” space as there is always an alternative use or cost involved. So what do we need to consider?